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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 半翅目 » 旌介壳虫科 »

学名:Nipponorthezia guizhouensis
Body oval, brown or yellow. Wax protrusions short, located at the edges of the body and on the dorsal midline. Ovisac as long as body.Slide-mounted female(n=5). Body 1.13–1.37 mm long, 0.91–1.01 mm wide. Antennal segment lengths: 1st 70–109 μm, 2nd 98–146 μm, apical segment 241–335 μm, nearly parallel sided; spine-like setae on antenna each about 17μm long, apical seta 146–153 μm long, subapical seta absent; with 4 flagellate sensory setae, each 19–42 μm long, and 3 hair-like setae; occasionally blunted setae present. Eyes elongate, prominent, each 24–38 μm long. Body cuticle wrinkled, with surface sclerotized. Body margin with seta-like structures.Venter. Labium about 170–183 μm long; stylet loop as long as labium. Leg measurements: coxa: front 97–136 μm, middle 101–130 μm, hind 134–159 μm long; trochanter-femur: front 319–336 μm, middle 322–344 μm, hind 388–393 μm long; tibia-tarsus: front 338–391 μm, middle 372–395 μm, hind 428–460 μm long; claw: front 46 μm, middle 50 μm, hind 60 μm long; claw digitules: front about 9 μm, middle about 15 μm, hind about 15 μm long; legs with rows of robust setae, each seta about 19 μm long, tibia with 1 flagellate sensory seta, about 28 μm long; trochanter with 4 campaniform sensilla on each surface. Some individuals with tibio-tarsal joint faintly detectable, others without a tibio-tarsal separation. Thorax without wax plates. Ovisac band not enclosing rows of spines. Thoracic spiracles each with a cluster of quadrilocular pores laterad of spiracular opening, each group containing about 8-10 pores, each pore 4 μm in diameter; pore group surrounded by some thumb-like simple pores. Diameter of each anterior thoracic spiracle about 18 μm. Hair-like setae few, scattered in medial areas of thorax, with several setae near anterior edge of ovisac band, several associated with anterior and posterior multilocular pore rows. Multilocular pores, each 6 μm in diameter, with 6 loculi around perimeter and 1 loculus in central hub , present in weakly developed rows anterior to, and scattered around, vulva. Abdominal spiracles not seen.